The Client
Launched in Bordeaux in 1998 as a merchant site dedicated to cultural products, Cdiscount, a subsidiary of the Casino group, logs19 orders every ten seconds and generates sales of more than €1.5 billion.
With Cdiscount PRO, the company has also become a key player in online sales dedicated to professionals offering low prices on more than 60,000 products.
The Client’s Request
Maximize the volume of new business customers while having complete, accurate and up-to-date information in its CRM.
“With Cdiscount PRO, we focused on facilitating the creation of BtoB customer accounts by simplifying the order tunnel as much as possible. The advantage is twofold: optimizing the customer experience, and allowing reliable and complete information to be fed directly into the Cdiscount PRO information system”.
Cdiscount PRO needed to find a way to reduce data-inputting errors when registering new customers in order to have an up-to-date and reliable repository.

With the CleanForm solution, we have made it as easy as possible to identify any company based in France, by reducing the registration form to 2 fields: company name and postal code. From these two fields, we will automatically draw from the IDAIA Group’s BtoB data capital the rest of the information to complete the profile of the newly registered customer. This operation provides Cdiscount PRO with a complete updated profile: SIRET, postal details, activity, workforce, legal category, revenue, net result, collective proceedings in progress… An indispensable tool for improving customer knowledge!
Opening a CleanForm account according to parameters requested by our expert teams.
Integration of the API on the e-commerce site by Cdiscount PRO developers.
Testing the integration of our API after a test phase and validation by Cdiscount Pro.
The API identifies, in the IDAIA data capital, the new corporate client (i.e., a company) on the Cdiscount PRO site and automatically retrieves all its reliable and updated information.
Cdiscount PRO contacted IDAIA for:
Facilitate the creation of a BtoB account on the Cdiscount Pro website
Simplify the control tunnel
Optimize the working time of tele-operators
Improve knowledge of prospects/customers
Enable feedback to the customer CRM
A reliable and qualified account, reserved for professionals, in just 2 minutes!