Reverse Appending: qualified contacts at lower cost!
From the email, retrieve all the information about your contacts: who are they, where are they, what is their position, with which company and what are their consumption habits? To target them effectively, don't ignore your customers anymore!
The Reverse Appending solution is particularly suitable for you if your web forms are poorly filled in or incomplete, if your events (trade shows...) provide you with little qualified information, if data is missing when creating contacts in your CRM.
The advantages of our reverse appending solution:
- 45 million consumer profiles and 9 million professionals at your disposal
Access the information necessary for your actions: civil status, first name, family name, age, means of contact (email, fixed or mobile phone, standard postal address, fax), information on the dwelling (owner, tenant, type of dwelling…), level of wealth, function, SIRET, number of employees, activity, legal category and date of creation of the company…
- Precise and fast reconciliation
The IDAIA Group has been a major player in the field of data management for more than 25 years. We reconcile your data with our repository, perform consistency checks and return the marketing data to you in the process. The entire chain is 100% carried out by IDAIA Group’s services based in France.
- Cost effective
Compared to manual qualification, via a call platform for example, IDAIA Group’s reverse appending solution is much faster and much more cost-effective. You can then use your data very quickly for your marketing and sales actions, for your segmentations and targeted and personalized communications!
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Put data at the heart of your strategy