Save yourself unnecessary expenses! Reactivate your customers at their new address!
Charade® and Estocade® service to update your postal address files (corporate or private) by deleting Undeliverable Mail addresses and replacing them with new addresses.
These processes are carried out using the databases BCAD (Database of Definitive Address Changes) and BNCA (Database of National Address Changes) of La Poste.
You benefit from quality processing for your postal addresses. Every day we develop tailor-made solutions. Feel free to consult our data processing experts.
The advantages of the Charade / Estocade processing service
To check your contact base before using it for your mailings, the Estocade service ensures the highest quality of your postal address file.
For the implementation of your prospecting or customer relationship by mail (quality and update of your customer or prospect base).
Charade® and Estocade® service to update your postal address files (corporate or private) by deleting Undeliverable Mail addresses and replacing them with new addresses.
4From official sources
The Charade / Estocade processing is carried out using the databases BCAD (Database of Definitive Address Changes) and BNCA (Database of National Address Changes) of La Poste
Gain in performance
Automate the detection of customers who have moved! Integrate our 100% automatic solution directly into your data management processes.
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Proper processing is essential to preserve the quality of the data and the accuracy of your company information.
Put data at the heart of your strategy